iPad & Console Times Check

Report shows times recorded during the last 14 days. It shows the actual time measured by the Farmtek timing equipment and the time that was entered by an official on the iPad.

As these are both separate records in the system they are sorted by the time they were created, this means the Farmtek time always precedes the iPad time. As the timing equipment plays up there may be 2 or more Farmtek times without a following iPad time. This report ignores Farmtek times less than 20 seconds to minimise the display these timing equipment errors.

Created Pattern Car WA Contact Name Run iPad Time Farmtek Time
16-06-2024 09:49:09 67.687
16-06-2024 09:49:13 2nd Gear Rodgers 24 Bell, Ian 5 67.687
16-06-2024 09:51:20 73.899
16-06-2024 09:51:27 2nd Gear Rodgers TBA Marshall, Gary 6 73.899
16-06-2024 09:52:38 54.286
16-06-2024 09:52:43 2nd Gear Rodgers 127 Semmelweis, Paul 6 54.286
16-06-2024 09:54:04 52.244
16-06-2024 09:54:23 2nd Gear Rodgers TBA Dooley, Matthew 6 52.244
16-06-2024 09:55:41 53.768
16-06-2024 09:55:47 2nd Gear Rodgers 611 Perumal, Kate 6 53.768
16-06-2024 09:57:04 57.292
16-06-2024 09:57:10 2nd Gear Rodgers 24 Bell, Ian 6 57.292
16-06-2024 09:58:19 47.718
16-06-2024 09:58:20 2nd Gear Rodgers 281 Kay, Robert 5 47.718
16-06-2024 09:59:31 49.694
16-06-2024 09:59:35 2nd Gear Rodgers 152 Phillis, James 5 49.694
16-06-2024 10:00:56 56.164
16-06-2024 10:01:08 2nd Gear Rodgers 118 Gregory, Joel 5 56.164
16-06-2024 10:02:27 55.897
16-06-2024 10:02:30 2nd Gear Rodgers 158 Semmelweis, Kristjan 5 55.897
16-06-2024 10:04:10 59.310
16-06-2024 10:04:13 2nd Gear Rodgers 59 Perumal, Zoe 5 59.310
16-06-2024 10:05:18 47.633
16-06-2024 10:05:22 2nd Gear Rodgers 281 Kay, Robert 6 47.633
16-06-2024 10:06:32 50.291
16-06-2024 10:06:37 2nd Gear Rodgers 152 Phillis, James 6 50.291
16-06-2024 10:07:55 56.845
16-06-2024 10:08:08 2nd Gear Rodgers 118 Gregory, Joel 6 56.845
16-06-2024 10:09:59 49.656
16-06-2024 10:10:03 2nd Gear Rodgers 80 Raadik, Aldo 5 49.656
16-06-2024 10:11:26 52.402
16-06-2024 10:11:58 2nd Gear Rodgers 158 Semmelweis, Kristjan 6 52.400
16-06-2024 10:13:13 2nd Gear Rodgers 59 Perumal, Zoe 6 57.690
16-06-2024 10:13:14 57.688
16-06-2024 10:14:30 47.291
16-06-2024 10:14:33 2nd Gear Rodgers 169 Kay, Sebastian 5 47.290
16-06-2024 10:15:48 50.349
16-06-2024 10:15:55 2nd Gear Rodgers 80 Raadik, Aldo 6 50.350
16-06-2024 10:17:25 56.201
16-06-2024 10:18:33 2nd Gear Rodgers 119 Bracewell, David 5 56.200
16-06-2024 10:19:45 47.634
16-06-2024 10:19:48 2nd Gear Rodgers 169 Kay, Sebastian 6 47.630
16-06-2024 10:21:31 61.104
16-06-2024 10:21:43 2nd Gear Rodgers TBA Evins, James 5 61.100
16-06-2024 10:23:04 59.510
16-06-2024 10:23:09 2nd Gear Rodgers 119 Bracewell, David 6 59.510
16-06-2024 10:24:50 74.139
16-06-2024 10:25:32 2nd Gear Rodgers 19 Poynter, David 5 74.140
16-06-2024 10:27:28 81.318
16-06-2024 10:27:37 2nd Gear Rodgers TBA Tsang, Franky 5 81.310
16-06-2024 10:28:45 49.774
16-06-2024 10:28:53 2nd Gear Rodgers 480 Raadik, Oskar 5 49.770
16-06-2024 10:30:10 53.294
16-06-2024 10:30:14 2nd Gear Rodgers TBA Evins, James 6 53.290
16-06-2024 10:31:46 72.642
16-06-2024 10:31:55 2nd Gear Rodgers 19 Poynter, David 6 72.640
16-06-2024 10:33:10 55.759
16-06-2024 10:33:16 2nd Gear Rodgers TBA Tsang, Franky 6 55.760
16-06-2024 10:34:24 49.077
16-06-2024 10:34:29 2nd Gear Rodgers 480 Raadik, Oskar 6 49.080
16-06-2024 10:35:45 60.087
16-06-2024 10:36:39 29.383