All Patterns Best and Average Times

These are the corrected times that include all recorded penalties and wrong directions. Patterns with no recorded times are not displayed.

Pattern Event Type Current Event Order Best Run 1 Best Run 2 Ave. Run 1 Ave. Run 2 Best Both Runs Ave. Both Runs
Atom Bomb Motorkhana 2 40.200 40.224 46.941 46.937 80.424 93.878
Open Slalom Motorkhana 3 27.703 27.944 32.386 31.751 55.647 64.137
Arrowhead C Motorkhana 39.328 33.333 47.427 46.886 73.679 94.536
Big Eyes Motorkhana 53.083 52.570 63.015 62.127 106.729 125.142
Bondi Slalom Motorkhana 28.082 27.768 32.709 31.852 56.091 64.561
Butterfly Motorkhana 26.844 26.620 31.731 31.934 54.090 63.526
Corridor Motorkhana 32.053 32.255 40.327 39.508 64.801 79.641
Crazy Square Motorkhana 22.533 22.691 26.964 26.106 45.259 52.953
Diamond Slalom - reverse Motorkhana 29.260 29.477 35.276 34.771 58.737 70.816
Four Leaf Clover Motorkhana 33.071 33.202 40.430 39.130 66.567 79.055
G.M. Motorkhana 27.798 28.702 34.008 33.248 56.909 67.256
Gable Slalom Motorkhana 39.334 38.382 45.653 45.289 78.859 90.942
Gables Motorkhana 41.418 42.252 48.678 48.013 85.097 96.447
Gate Slalom - wide reverse + Motorkhana 26.842 26.698 31.816 31.467 53.540 63.283
Manoeuvring + Motorkhana 29.530 30.232 37.524 36.135 59.762 73.410
MG Switchback Motorkhana 36.965 36.883 44.870 43.545 73.891 88.415
Motorfusion 1 Motorfusion 45.000 0.000 45.250 0.000 0.000 0.000
MotorFusion 60 Motorfusion 38.082 37.382 43.356 42.101 75.464 85.197
MotorFusion 60 Run 2 Motorfusion 37.087 37.545 43.274 43.796 74.632 87.350
Oh what a feeling Motorkhana 30.266 30.174 34.137 34.082 60.440 68.285
Oh What a Feeling - Flipside Narrow Motorkhana 31.379 31.271 36.715 36.223 62.650 72.937
Powercruise Motorkhana 36.602 35.475 46.440 45.351 72.741 91.792
Renno Diamond - Reverse Motorkhana 31.826 30.988 42.290 41.139 62.814 83.805
Smokey Bandit Motorkhana 36.585 36.724 44.335 43.486 73.756 87.821
Star Motorkhana 27.910 27.771 33.728 33.025 55.681 66.753
Tee Garage Motorkhana 33.334 32.865 40.668 39.406 66.280 80.073
Track 86 Reverse Motorkhana 31.424 30.615 37.063 36.899 63.468 73.962
Try Angles Reversed Motorkhana 31.860 34.220 42.330 40.332 68.549 82.768
World Tour Motorkhana 36.147 35.818 42.472 41.395 71.965 83.866